“Monster On The Loose”: NASA’s Hubble Detects 20 Million-Sun Black Hole
NASA’s runaway supermassive black hole artist’s impression.

NASA warns of a “runaway” black hole, a “invisible monster.” According to a news release, the supermassive black hole is traveling so fast that if it existed in our solar system, it could travel from Earth to the moon in 14 minutes. It weights 12 million Suns and has left a never-before-seen trail of stars 200,000 light years long, twice the diameter of the Milky Way.
NASA’s news release stated, “There’s an unseen monster on the loose, barreling across intergalactic space so rapidly that if it were in our solar system, it could travel from Earth to the Moon in 14 minutes.”

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope unintentionally captured it.

“This supermassive black hole, weighing 20 million Suns, left a never-before-seen 200,000-light-year “contrail” of young stars twice the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy. It’s likely from a rare, unusual game of galactic billiards between three huge black holes “space agency.

“Monster On The Loose”: NASA’s Hubble Detects 20 Million-Sun Black Hole

NASA warns of a “runaway” black hole, a “invisible monster.” According to a news release, the supermassive black hole is traveling so fast that if it existed in our solar system, it could travel from Earth to the moon in 14 minutes. It weights 12 million Suns and has left a never-before-seen trail of stars 200,000 light years long, twice the diameter of the Milky Way.
NASA’s news release stated, “There’s an unseen monster on the loose, barreling across intergalactic space so rapidly that if it were in our solar system, it could travel from Earth to the Moon in 14 minutes.”

NASA’s runaway supermassive black hole artist’s impression.

“This supermassive black hole, weighing 20 million Suns, left a never-before-seen 200,000-light-year “contrail” of young stars twice the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy. It’s likely from a rare, unusual game of galactic billiards between three huge black holes “space agency.

NASA revealed that the black hole is pushing gas in front of it to generate new stars in a narrow tunnel instead of swallowing them. As it is approximately half as luminous as its home galaxy, the track spawned many new stars. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope unintentionally captured it.

Hubble Detects Black Hole Weighing as Much as 20 Million Suns, Declares “Monster on the Loose”

The “invisible monster” has a “remarkably brilliant knot” of ionized oxygen at its outermost tip. NASA scientists think the black hole’s velocity shocks and heats gas or an accretion ring surrounding it radiates.

“This supersonic, high-velocity black hole collision shocks gas in front of it. Its mechanism is unknown “The press note quoted Yale University’s Pieter van Dokkum. “We found it by chance,” he said.

Mr. Dokkum found the black hole while searching for globular star clusters in a neighboring dwarf galaxy. He called the star trail “very astounding, very, very brilliant and extremely uncommon”.

Mr. Dokkum and his team ran a follow-up spectroscopic with the W. M. Keck Observatories in Hawaii to determine what they were seeing: the remnants of a black hole rushing through the galaxy.

Once two galaxies combined 50 million years ago, their supermassive black holes released the black hole, according to NASA researchers. A third galaxy arrived with its supermassive black hole, creating a “chaotic and unstable structure”.

Researchers believe one black hole gathered velocity from the other two and departed its home galaxy, while the other two went the other way.

Scientists now want to use the James Webb Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory to corroborate the black hole scenario.

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