The James Webb Special Telescope at NASA was the first to discover a cloud of sand emanating from outside the solar system. It was discovered by researchers on a planet known as VHS 1256B, which is about forty light years distant from Earth.

Use of cutting-edge telescope technology

In order to investigate the movement of clouds, researchers made use of cutting-edge telescopes. Scientists believe that this is a significant discovery because it demonstrates how clouds on another planet might be different from clouds of water vapor, which are something that we are familiar with here on earth. With the use of data from the web, the team has also successfully determined the presence of water, methane, and carbon monoxide.

According to a professor from the University of Exeter

Around this time period, there have also been discoveries of evidence of carbon dioxide. The research was submitted to and accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journal Letters. According to Professor Sasha Hinkley of the University of Exeter, the appearance of the planet’s sand clouds is caused by the planet’s low gravity. They remain in the atmosphere for a significant amount of time, which makes it much simpler to spot them with binoculars. According to the findings of the study, the age of this planet is just 150 million years young planet. There is also another explanation for the stormy weather in its skies.

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