Space exploration’s goal is to find life or evidence of life on other planets. Over 5000 planets have been discovered in our Milky Way galaxy, but most appear to be lifeless.

Scientists have developed a mechanism to limit down potentially habitable worlds as exoplanet hunting advances. The crew is now examining planet ozone layers. The ozone layer shields terrestrial life from stellar UV radiation.

The scientists illustrated how a star’s metallicity affects its planets’ ozone layer.

The Nature Communication study argues that as the cosmos evolves, freshly created stars grow more metal-rich, exposing creatures to more severe ultraviolet radiation. “Our findings imply that planets hosted by stars with low metallicity are the best targets to search for complex life on land,” the research stated.

The scientists wanted to know what a star needs to generate an ozone layer for its planets.

Most stars with planets are 5,000–6,000 degrees Celsius. The Sun also belongs.

Sunlight’s UV radiation has two effects on Earth’s atmosphere. “It was reasonable to assume that ultraviolet light may have a similarly complex influence on exoplanet atmospheres as well,” said Dr. Anna Shapiro, who studied solar radiation’s effects on Earth’s atmosphere.

Researchers computed stars’ ultraviolet radiation wavelengths and considered metallicity for the first time. They next examined how calculated UV radiation might damage the atmospheres of planets orbiting these stars at a life-friendly distance.

β€œIt is feasible that the history of the Earth and its atmosphere holds clues about the evolution of life that may also apply to exoplanets,” says article contributor Jos Lelieveld. High-metal stars create dense ozone layers, increasing life’s prospects.

Thus, young stars have more metal-rich construction material. “Every generation, stars become more metal-rich,” explains Dr. Anna Shapiro.

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