The abrupt termination of the engagement of the opera Company on the Charlie Napier Theatre, the closing of that constructing and the premises hooked up thereto, and the sudden disappearance of Mr. John Gibbs, afforded the people of Ballarat food for gossip yesterday (Monday). Certain “limbs of the legislation” at the second are in possession of the premises. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, the celebrated Romance, entitled WOMAN’S HEART, as sung by Miss Sara Flower, at the VICTORIA THEATRE,

Isabella MELODIA

Gassner, has simply been published by Elvy and Co. M. Gassner is well-liked as a clever arranger of music for the band over which he presides – that of H. fiftieth Regiment –

It had been first introduced in Miska Hauser’s live performance in Sydney in April 1855 by the recently-arrived English actor-singer, Eliza Craven (daughter of Sidney Nelson). Neither of the brothers, Stephen Glover

W. H..Glen and Co.’s new music warehouse, 21 and 23 Collins-street east, is in shut proximity to that of Messrs. Allan and Co. The front to Collins-street is 36ft. In the architectural design it has been sought to acquire a picturesque and varied front, suggestive of the purposes of a music warehouse, and challenging public consideration by its novelty and gracefulness . The music business, now carried on by Messrs. Allan and Co., at 15 Collins-street east, Melbourne,

and undertook that their mixed singing ought to far excel that which had proved a failure when a number of present youngsters had been chosen, and, from being puffed up with vanity, had sung loudly and disagreeably. The CHAIRMAN and others having no pleasant recollection of the previous performances and basic conduct of the children opposed this suggestion, and complimented Mr. Gibbes on their improved behaviour within the body of the church .

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as also the bass solos by members of the society. Thanks are also due to the ladies for their braveness in venturing out in such climate, thus securing the committee from an expected deficiency in the proceeds. In the Intestate Estate of the late Mr. J. Gibbs, musician, deceased.

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nonetheless there was a great home. Mr. Gee, leader (master of the Band of the 39th) carried out this musical entertainment with great credit to himself and employer. The performance of the vocalists was every factor that might be expected; and in several songs they were encored. The overture to Der Freischutz was carried out in a superior manner.

and to him are our native composers a lot indebted for bringing their works under public discover in essentially the most advantageous manner to them. Although a composer himself of more than ordinary capacity, he thus evinces that absence of professional jealousy which but too regularly affects lots of his contemporaries. The “Southern Beauties Waltzes” are melodious, with adequate brilliancy in varied passages to fulfill any however the most inveterate seeker after meretricious results, who isn’t happy unless the most extraordinary gymnastique qualities are launched into the fingering. Gassner has prevented this questionable peculiarity, and has, therefore given the final run of pianists an opportunity of enjoying the pleasure of performing his composition.

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at No. 377, Pitt-street, within the City of Sydney, was this present day dissolved by mutual consent.- Dated this fifth of April, 1851, JOHN GIBBS. G. PENNINGTON, Solicitor, George avenue.

detailing each object of interest linked with the Crimea and Seat of War, accompanied with new and acceptable music. Leader of the Band, Herr Gilcher . THE BAVARIAN BAND IN RETURNING THANKS for the very liberal help they have obtained since and through their brief sojourn in Launceston,

within the palace and in the cottage let the morning and evening music of praise be heard. Last of all, the rev. gentleman enforced the obligation of the cultivation of sacred music as some of the highly effective auxiliaries in religion, and as a method of getting ready for the companies of the higher sanctuary. Like most issues on the planet music may UNSW Bella MELODIA be abused; but its object was for use, and there have been many things in the world to name forth songs of reward. The rev. gentleman concluded his lecture, of which the above is however an outline, amidst loud applause . The North Adelaide Choral Society’s first quarterly concert for the year 1856 was performed on Thursday night, at the Lefevre-terrace Chapel.