Any form of mental or physical therapy intended to “cure” or “repair” a person’s gender identity and expression, or their attraction to people of the same sex, is known as conversion therapy. These therapy can transform a person into a heterosexual or “straight,” according to providers. However, there isn’t any proof for this.

Read More: gay therapy

Experts in medicine and mental health have long disapproved of conversion therapy, viewing it as harmful and prejudiced. Not only does it not work, but it may also result in:



drug abuse

Without a home


In severe situations, the customs might be cruel or violent. “Ex-gay therapy” or “reparative therapy” are other names for conversion therapy.

What Is the Format of Conversion Therapy?

It might include everything from medical and religious practices that are emotional or physical to psychotherapy (talk therapy).

psychoanalysis. It is talk therapy that is most commonly employed. However, clinicians may also attempt cognitive, behavioral, or interpersonal therapy. Some attempt to rewire mental processes for same-sex desire by teaching stereotypically masculine and feminine behaviors or by using hypnosis. Another widely employed technique is known as “aversion therapy.” People who participate in this technique may be subjected to unpleasant or painful experiences such as electric shocks and medications that cause nausea or paralysis. This is done in an attempt to “correct” it by creating a bad association with the person’s identity or attractions.

medical. This covers steroid, hormone, and medication therapy. Extreme examples involve the “neutralization” of sexual orientation by gender-affirming surgery. particularly in transsexual individuals.

religious in nature. Homosexuality and other gender expression and identity behaviors are occasionally seen as “evil” in several religious traditions. Conversion therapy is occasionally administered by clergy members or other spiritual counselors. It might entail saying prayers and making derogatory remarks about LGBT people. In extreme circumstances, it may also entail shackling, starvation, beatings, and even exorcisms.

The term “gender identity disorder” was eliminated from the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) diagnostic manual in 2013. Nowadays, the American Psychological Association refers to conversion treatment methods as “gender identity change efforts (GICE)” or “sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE).” It created the terminology to set itself apart from therapies that rely on data. However, providers—who are often unlicensed—can frequently mask the phrases they employ in order to evade detection.

Among these words are:

Exploration of sexual attraction fluidity in therapy (SAFE-T)

removing, lowering, or lessening the occurrence or strength of undesired same-sex attraction (SSA)

Therapy for reparation

Attempts at sexual reorientation

former homosexual ministry

encouraging sexual health

addressing illnesses and addictions related to sex

Counseling on sexuality

promoting sexual and relational wellbeing

repairing sexual trauma

How Can Conversion Therapy Be Harmful?

The use of conversion treatment procedures might cause one to feel “damaged” or “less than,” which lowers one’s self-esteem. Your mental and physical well-being may suffer greatly as a result. For this reason, a number of mental health and medical organizations have publicly condemned the practice of conversion therapy in declarations.

Furthermore, a lot of people who advertise themselves as qualified to offer conversion treatment are frequently neither medical professionals nor certified mental health practitioners.

According to one research, those who identify as LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning) and who experience discrimination or rejection include:

eight times more likely to say they’ve tried suicide

Approximately six times as likely to report having severe depression

more than three times more likely to take illicit substances

three times as likely to have high HIV and other STD risk