When it comes to anything cultural, names are quite important. There will always be items that are viewed as popular, throwaway, mass-produced, and widely available, whether it be in the fields of fashion, cuisine, music, or art.

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Conversely, there will also be some offerings that seem to elevate the genres by catering to a more niche market of discriminating consumers and being more inventive and adventurous.

Beer is simply one more illustration. Even if we never drink beer, most of us can probably identify twenty popular brands off the top of our heads. They advertise on primetime television and sponsor sporting events. The name nearly takes precedence over the product.

However, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of tiny brewers—from home cooks to microbreweries—doing unique things in every nation where beer is consumed. They will use a wide range of ingredients to craft unique beers in tiny quantities with a variety of flavors, intensities, and colors.

They may never, in fact, brew the exact same beer twice, despite their best efforts. And if they do sell the beer, it will be as guest ales in neighborhood bars or they will transport it to fairs and markets.

For the majority of industry experts, the latter kind is what constitutes “craft” beer. But is it limited to the chemical alone, or is there another factor at play? Could a big brewer produce artisan beer?

What distinguishes regular beer from craft beer?

Regular beers are made with simple, dependable ingredients and techniques in an effort to appeal to a wider range of palates. Although some craft beers have flavors that are more approachable, most craft beers are created with the intention of appealing to more daring palates. More important is the philosophy.

It should come as no surprise that some craft beer enthusiasts may overplay their connoisseurship and make an effort to turn off strangers. Genuine enthusiasts of craft beers are only fulfilling their personal palates and are ecstatic to sample new brews and introduce them to others. If you go to a local beer festival, the sounds you’ll hear are of people having a great time talking and laughing, not chin stroking.

Some claim that the mass-production process sets artisanal beers apart from mainstream brews. That isn’t accurate. As long as the recipe is adjusted to account for the size, beer that is expertly brewed from premium ingredients may be manufactured in 10- or 10,000-liter batches.


BrewDog has all the requirements to be classified as a craft beer: it is crafted by artists, satisfies the palates of those who value fine beer, and is experimental with a traditional heart. When it first began in 2007 as a garage brew, the product alone won over many fans.

BrewDog’s ascent to national and then worldwide recognition occurred at the ideal moment. In terms of music, fashion, and cuisine, there was a general cultural trend toward healthier options. Craft beers accompanied the trend, and some brewers were able to effectively convey their message through tone.

Sure, we may have used some daring marketing, but if the product hadn’t been so good, it would have failed. Even though we’re huge for a craft brewer, we’re still little fish in a sea of large, international brewing conglomerates. BrewDog is pleased to be a craft beer company by all standards.


For lovers of British artisan beer, there has never been a finer moment. You may now find small brewers’ goods in cans and bottles in supermarkets among mainstream beers, and we encourage you to sample them all, including the ones that don’t have BrewDog on the label. If you come upon one that truly amazes you, you might never turn back.

Additionally, check out bars and pubs for guest ales. While they may not be found in the flashy nightclubs, many neighborhood pubs—particularly those in rural areas—will have a variety of locally made beers on tap. Lastly, familiarize yourself with any local establishments that specialize in brewing craft brews. There are bars cropping up everywhere that offer nothing mainstream at all, and you could spend every night there for weeks and not run out of things to choose from.


Craft beer is defined as beer that is crafted with an independent mind, has a complex flavor profile, and is intended to appeal to more seasoned palates. But there isn’t a certain flavor or component that would define a beer as “craft.”

Additionally, the word “craft” denotes a specific level of proficiency. After putting together a kit cabinet, you would never think of yourself as a great carpenter, but if you created a stunning piece of furniture out of a tree you yourself felled, then sure, you are a craftsperson. The same is true with beers: the quality of the brew, not its size, is what counts.

What you like is what matters. A fan of craft beer would like mass-produced milk chocolate over bars with 99% cocoa content wrapped in parchment paper, and instant coffee over well roasted coffee. It’s not an assessment of the eater or the drinker. There are no good or bad things. Taste is all that matters.